Forms & Permits

Building Permit

First you must obtain the required permits for your building from the Rusk County Zoning Office.

Call (715) 532-2156

Original will be sent back to applicant. You must bring or send copies of all documents received from the Zoning Office to the Town of Stubbs Clerk, N3305 S Hutchinson Rd, Bruce, 54819

Download Building Permit here

Building Permit Guidelines

The Town Of Stubbs requires a building permit on structures starting at 100 square feet. Fill out the permit and attatch the copies from the Zoning Office. Include $25.00 made out to Town of Stubbs.

A penalty of $50.00 will be imposed on any person or entity that fails to obtain the required permit within 30 days of the start of construction or improvements requiring a building permit.

Permits are required before moving a mobile home, either moving in to Town Of Stubbs or moving out.

Permits are required for all driveways and culverts.  A penalty of $50.00 will be charged if a permit is not obtained before work has begun.

Permits must include address and parcel id number.  Please contact the clerk for any additional questions. 715-864-0560.  Please contact Steve Kuester, Assessor at (715) 379-3453 if making changes or improvements to your residence.